Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions – FAQ

Browse through the FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions for answers to questions that we get asked most often.

Do you ship worldwide?

Yes, we ship all orders worldwide with our trusted express shipping company DHL Express Shipping.
IMPORTANT: Please be aware that certain countries may have specific regulations or documentation requirements for food items. Please conduct research on your country’s customs regulations before placing an order. For instance, countries like MEXICO or SPAIN have stringent rules regarding food products, so customers in these regions should take these regulations into account when ordering food items.

Do you ship express?

Yes, every order made on the Istanbul Classics website will be shipped with DHL Express Shipping.

What is the expected delivery time after shipment?

America and Canada: 2 – 4 days
Europe: 1 – 2 days
Qatar, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates: 2 – 3 days
Other countries: 2 – 4 days

What are the shipping fees?

Shipping fees change depending on your order’s weight and the distance to your country. Your shipping fees are calculated automatically and you will be shown on our check-out page, before making payment.

Do you provide a tracking number?

Yes, we provide a tracking number with each order, keeping you informed about every step of your order until delivery.

Can I cancel my order?

You can cancel your order within 2 hours after payment. We are not able to cancel or change your order once your order is shipped. If you would like to return your order, please see our return policy.

Can I change the delivery address after I order?

The delivery address can be changed within 2 hours after your order. We are unable to cancel or change any part of your order including the delivery address or payment method once your order is shipped.

Where can I see the shipping charges?

Shipping charges will automatically be added to your order and displayed on our checkout page.When you avail of ‘Free Shipping’ your order will be shipped without a shipping fee.

Are shipping rates inclusive import duties?

Shipping rates are not inclusive import duties that could be charged when the package reaches your destination country.The prices shown on the payment page are including VAT. The import duties vary and are depending upon the rules and regulations of each respective country.You might be requested to pay import duty when your package is delivered

Taxes and/or Import Duties

The prices shown on the payment page are including VAT. The import duties vary and are depending upon the rules and regulations of each respective country. You might be requested to pay import duty when your package is delivered. All applicable custom fees, taxes, and duties are the sole responsibility of the customer.Custom authorities require that we state the value of your order directly on your package.It is at the sole discretion of custom agents to release your package.

Did the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Not Answer Your Query?

At Istanbul Classics, customer satisfaction is our top priority. We understand that you may have specific questions or concerns that go beyond our frequently asked questions section. In such cases, rest assured that our dedicated customer support team is here to assist you. Your inquiries are valuable to us, and we are committed to providing you with the information and support you need. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us through our contact email or WhatsApp, and we will be more than happy to address any questions or concerns you may have. Your satisfaction is our success, and we’re here to ensure your experience with Istanbul Classics is nothing short of exceptional.

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WhatsApp Icon WhatsApp (text only): +353 87 196 1484
WhatsApp Icon WhatsApp (text only): +90 542 721 5638
WhatsApp Icon WhatsApp (text only): +90 555 387 7243